Ford T 1908

During the 1900s, a recent invention called the car - has changed the mode of transport. With a market that extends between a few hundreds of models, many have decided to invest in these horseless carriages that could carry people around. The Ford Model T (colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie, T-Model Ford, "Ford Model T, or T) is a car that was Henry Ford produces the Ford Motor Company from September 1908 to October 1927. [1] It is generally considered the first affordable car, the road trip to open the American middle class ordinary. part of this was due to Ford's innovations, including mass production instead of the hand operation individual [2] The Ford Model T was named the most influential car in the world of the 20th century in an international poll. [3] Early this century, there were nearly 200 automobile manufacturers. Each has about 200 vehicles a year. And then there was Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company. He created an unprecedented vehicle that was affordable and mass produced. By the Henry Ford secured the future of what is now probably one of the biggest giants of the automotive industry. With the help of a conveyor process was not new, it was previously in the packaging sector of the meat is. William C. Klan had visited a slaughterhouse in Chicago. After returning from his visit, he proposed the idea to Peter Martin. A team was assembled and perfected through trial and error. The conveyor belt has the effect of the Model T will not begin until 1914. The process of the assembly line greatly simplified the production, averaging just over 90 minutes to assemble a car. In 1914, there were more Ford's produced than all other manufacturers. At this "point you get any color you wanted, as long as it was black." Henry Ford in favor of the black color because it dries faster. In the years 1917 to 1923, Ford has not advertising, nine of the 10 cars are Ford, not necessary.


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